There is an incredible amount of collaboration going on behind the scenes and in this blog post we’ll dive into exactly whats been going and and the amazing people that have been collaborating to making things happen.
The People
Let us begin with the people. I’d like to give gratitude to the following people, many of you have been instrumental in shaping the visions that we are working towards together over the last few months.
Christoph: Always a voice of reason, he is a go to soundboard. A solid rock who is super handy for UX design questions/strategy thinking…any sort of thinking really :-)
Daniel: Who always knows how to ask the right questions.
Femi: A visionary, a man that is so full of ideas it is surprising. One conversation, one idea and before you know it you are kicking off the first ever Bitcoin UX Bootcamp.
CK: CK is a gem in ideas and creating direction. When we get on a call our ideas gel together effortlessly, not to mention he's excellent at connecting the right people and building the relationships.
Marcel: She's a powerhouse and has been leading the logistics and operational side of the first ever Bitcoin UX Bootcamp. Next to that she's just wrapped up a bootcamp herself. Power to this woman.
The next generation of UX designers are being raised as we speak. So many fun times. They have been having live discussions based on the Bitcoin Design Guide - Getting Started section.
Just today we had a live call with all them and there’s going to be lots of updates over the next week as things kick off. During the call it was great to meet all of the students and hear their interest areas and passions.
Have also been building + designing a website for the Brazil Bitcoin UX Bootcamp. More about this coming soon.
Had fun putting together a logo and trouble shooting this website. Never have I ever built a trilingual website so this was a first, it was fun and a challenge at the same time. Kudos to Kaka and Carol from Area Bitcoin and Femi from HRF for all your collaboration, we are making this happen.
Also hopped into the Bitcoin Dadas developer bootcamp and shared a personal story of working in Bitcoin as UX designer. These women are all learning how to become Bitcoin Developers, what a pleasure to see them and inspire them to keep on going.
There's been much building and collaboration behind the scenes. That's how we build here in Open Source Bitcoin Land…
👏🏽 Give credit where it is deserved, collaborate and work in public. This creates a solid development process and ensure that whatever we build is robust and stand the test of time.